Water rocket is a simple rocket that can be made by
everyone. We can make it by 1.5 L plastic bottle (mineral water or soda). There are 4 components of water rocket, it is nosecone,
body, fins, and launcher. The best design for each component:
- nosecone : the shape is hemisphere
- fins : actually the most important is the distance between
one fin and the others. The distance of one fin and another fin should be the
same. Then, the best shape is parallelogram, and the fins should be four.
- launcher : the launcher should be fit with the nozzle of
bottle, it is to minimize the leakage of fuel when it is launched.
The fuel
for this water rocket can be water, soda, or soapy water. If the fuel is water, the water rocket should
be filled by water 1/3 of it’s volume. It is the best comparison to make the water
rocket fly as high as possible. Why we should use water/soda/soapy water as the
fuel of our water rocket? Can’t it just the air as the fuel? >>>
the fuel can’t just the air, because air is compressible and
water is incompressible. Compressible fluid is the condition if the density of
the fluid changes with respect to pressure. Incompressible fluid is the
condition if the density of the fluid does not changes with respect to pressure.
Compressibility is defined as the change
in volume due to change in pressure. It is inversely proportional to its volume
modulus of elasticity, also known as bulk modulus.
calculate the maximum altitude that can be reached by our water rocket, we can
Parabolic motion formula (if the motion of water
rocket launching is parabolic).

V0 =


information: t = time
(s) g = gravity (9.8 m/s²) V0
= initial
velocity (m/s)
y =
maximum high (m)
2. Mass
Flow Rate
Mass Flow rate is a measure of the amount
of mass (Fluid) passing through
a given area with respect to time.
The mass flow rate of a given fluid can
be determined with the
following equation:
ṁ = A x Cd x

information: ṁ = mass flow rate
(kg/sec) Cd = discharge coefficient
A = area of nozzle (m²)
= density (kg/mᵌ)

ft = ṁ × v v = velocity (m/s)
R = 

V = a×t
t = Time when all of the water is expelled
from the Rocket.
θ = angle
Rocket is being launched
so, to make a good water rocket, we have to
Ò Maximize
thrust : pressure from the pump has to maximum
Ò Maximize
lift : the fuel can be water or soda or soapy water, The loader in the peak of
nosecone shouldn’t be too heavy or too light
Ò Minimize
drag : hemisphere nosecone; parallelogram fins, with the same distance between
one fins and another.
Ò Minimize
weight : water rocket as light as possible, but still balance.
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